How Healers Can Use Infusionsoft

Infusionsoft For Healing Practice

I have many friends and colleagues who own and operate businesses in the healing industry – massage therapists, holistic practitioners, medical doctors, and much more.

One of the most common traits that I notice is a huge aversion to software.

In fact, most healing professionals that I know would rather do just about anything other than learn how to use software for their business.

But what if you embraced a software solution that enabled serving your clients at an even deeper level and brought more money into your business effortlessly?

Why Constant Communication is Key

One of the most common and true ideas in marketing is that your prospects must “know, like, and trust” you before they are ready to buy something from you.  This holds true whether you’re selling widgets, providing consulting advice, or trying to grow a healing practice.

But how can you focus on growing a healing practice and STILL have time to serve your clients?  The answer lies in the authentic use of automation marketing software.  

Through automation software like Infusionsoft, you can achieve those 5 to 12 touches that marketing gurus are always talking about – where you are building the “know, like, trust” factor consistently over time.

The magic happens through the nurture process.  Once you have the right system in place, your new leads will feel just as loved as your long time customers, and this attention to detail will scale up as your business grows.

Reach out with Resources

For your best clients who visit you for healing on a regular basis, you can roll out the red carpet: update them regularly with great health tips, daily inspiration and challenges, and regular exercise reminders can add even more value to your clients and inspire loyalty.

Take it a step further by having automated gifts sent to your clients when they purchase a high end package from you.  

How do you offer this without adding hundreds of extra emails to your daily schedule?  The key is in automation.  Set up your business so that this happens without your direct involvement, and it will free up your time to focus on improving the lives of your clients – not feeling like a robot!

Want to Make More Money in Your Practice?

Put the tasks of your business on autopilot: Remind your clients to come in for their sessions. Introduce new services to long time customers. Share promotional gift cards and allow online payments.  Make their life easier and better, and they will love you for it!

Healers who use Infusionsoft in their Business

If you’re a healer who wants to learn more about Infusionsoft and if it is the right tool for your business, I have a great resource for you.  Check out my free guide: 5 Indicators That You’re Ready For Infusionsoft.

You’ll learn how to assess what stage your business is in now, and how to authentically build your business with this amazing software.  If you are not quite ready for Infusionsoft, that’s totally okay, and you’ll get some great tips on what steps to take to grow your practice right now!

*image credit: o5com