How Healers Can Use Infusionsoft

Infusionsoft For Healing Practice

I have many friends and colleagues who own and operate businesses in the healing industry – massage therapists, holistic practitioners, medical doctors, and much more.

One of the most common traits that I notice is a huge aversion to software.

In fact, most healing professionals that I know would rather do just about anything other than learn how to use software for their business.

But what if you embraced a software solution that enabled serving your clients at an even deeper level and brought more money into your business effortlessly?

Why Constant Communication is Key

One of the most common and true ideas in marketing is that your prospects must “know, like, and trust” you before they are ready to buy something from you.  This holds true whether you’re selling widgets, providing consulting advice, or trying to grow a healing practice.

But how can you focus on growing a healing practice and STILL have time to serve your clients?  The answer lies in the authentic use of automation marketing software.  

Through automation software like Infusionsoft, you can achieve those 5 to 12 touches that marketing gurus are always talking about – where you are building the “know, like, trust” factor consistently over time.

The magic happens through the nurture process.  Once you have the right system in place, your new leads will feel just as loved as your long time customers, and this attention to detail will scale up as your business grows.

Reach out with Resources

For your best clients who visit you for healing on a regular basis, you can roll out the red carpet: update them regularly with great health tips, daily inspiration and challenges, and regular exercise reminders can add even more value to your clients and inspire loyalty.

Take it a step further by having automated gifts sent to your clients when they purchase a high end package from you.  

How do you offer this without adding hundreds of extra emails to your daily schedule?  The key is in automation.  Set up your business so that this happens without your direct involvement, and it will free up your time to focus on improving the lives of your clients – not feeling like a robot!

Want to Make More Money in Your Practice?

Put the tasks of your business on autopilot: Remind your clients to come in for their sessions. Introduce new services to long time customers. Share promotional gift cards and allow online payments.  Make their life easier and better, and they will love you for it!

Healers who use Infusionsoft in their Business

If you’re a healer who wants to learn more about Infusionsoft and if it is the right tool for your business, I have a great resource for you.  Check out my free guide: 5 Indicators That You’re Ready For Infusionsoft.

You’ll learn how to assess what stage your business is in now, and how to authentically build your business with this amazing software.  If you are not quite ready for Infusionsoft, that’s totally okay, and you’ll get some great tips on what steps to take to grow your practice right now!

*image credit: o5com


How to Build Your Perfect Customer Lifecycle Brick by Brick

“It won’t happen as fast as you want, but it won’t take as long as you think”

This is one of my favorite quotes from my friend Johnny Dzubak.  Johnny is an expert in the personal development field and teaches people how to hone their social skills.  But today I was thinking about this quote in the context of growing and marketing your business – and there’s a TON of parallels!

In our busy society, we all want immediate results – and if you look at the ads on TV, it’s obvious as to why.  In the world of “6 minute abs” and get rich quick schemes, we’ve lost our patience.  Rome wasn’t built in a day!

I have some good and bad news for you: building a business won’t happen overnight, but if you consistently take action it will grow and attract new customers impressively fast.

Infusionsoft Perfect Customer LifecycleOne of the well known statistics in marketing is that it typically takes somewhere between 5-12 “touches” with a prospect before they will be ready to buy from you.  However if you try to fit all 12 touches into one day, you’ll likely scare away your prospect and come across as overly needy.

Luckily we have client relationship marketing tools that can spread these points of contact out over time in a way that feels authentic and natural to your prospects, yet automated so that you don’t have to remember to reach out to each person those 5-12 times.

I really love the concept of the “Perfect Customer Lifecycle”.  In essence, it’s the process of breaking down your interaction with each customer in a systematic way that WOW’s them, follows up appropriately, addresses their reservations, nurtures them towards a sale in an authentic manner, and ultimately turns them into raving fans who promote your business for you!

You can download a free workbook to check out the process here.  I go through the Perfect Customer Lifecycle with my private coaching clients and it always amazes me to watch the transformation of their business as we apply these systems.

It can be daunting when you look at the whole customer lifecycle so remember “It won’t happen as fast as you want, but it won’t take as long as you think!” Begin today with the very beginning of the process and be consistent in building it out piece by piece.

If you need to implement quickly with an expert guiding the process, reach out for support and accelerate your results! One of the best parts of investing in this process is that – while you may tweak things over time – once it’s done your marketing and follow up is on auto pilot and creates so much freedom in your business!

Need help getting started? Head over to my contact page and get in touch! 

What is Marketing Automation and Why Should I Care About It?

In an ideal world, we would have the time to reach out to each customer in a very personal manner.  We’d call them and chat with them for hours on end, trying to help them in any way possible.

We’d treat them as if they were the only other person in the world, and our only goal would be to help them achieve their goals.

Unfortunately most of us don’t have time to spend endless hours with every single customer.  As our businesses grow, our time available to interact with each customer starts to dwindle.  Responsibilities arise, management duties expand, and the customer is often forgotten amidst the hustle of running the business.

However, new tools are emerging that help us to leverage our time so that each customer feels loved and appreciated.  Those tools are bundled into marketing automation software such as Infusionsoft.

The Problem With Automation

The problem with sitting behind a powerful piece of software like Infusionsoft is that it’s easy start talking like a robot.  There’s some psychological switch that gets flicked when we gain the power of speak to a large audience online.  What starts as well-meaning, value-adding information somehow twists into a cold corporate voice when blasting emails to a list.

Think about it — would you write emails to your best friend that sound like that?  If not then why are we talking to people (our loved customers) in such a way?

Jermaine Griggs coined the term “Scaling Personal Attention”, and I think it really suits the optimal way to take advantage of a tool like Infusionsoft.

Marketing automation provides us with the ability to treat each customer as if they were our only customer.  We can listen closely to them and discover their deepest goals through intelligent web forms and tagging.  We can customize product suggestions based on what we already know about their frustrations.  We can stay in touch with them via multiple channels of communication.  We can automatically follow up with customers if we haven’t heard from them in a while.

Treat your customers like your best friend.  We have the power to do so with marketing automation – the key is tweaking how we approach the power.

12 Infusionsoft Tag Categories You Should Be Using

Last week Jordan Hatch from Infusionsoft gave another awesome mastermind call.  (If you aren’t already registered for these, I highly recommend them! You’ll pick up some great tips and Jordan is an awesome guy.  You can get set up for those here.)

My favorite bit of this week’s call was about tag categories that everyone should be using in Infusionsoft .  I think this is a big piece of confusion for people just getting started with the system, because you only get set up with a few categories by default and you need to figure out what to set up to best suit your business.  This can be tough to know what to do if you haven’t already been using Infusionsoft for quite some time.

How to Set Up Tag Categories

Just in case you’re not sure where to do this, here’s a quick primer.  First, you need to navigate to the CRM settings.  Click Infusionsoft Nav -> Settings (Under the CRM category).





Next, click “Tag Categories” on the left side panel.  Now that you’re on the right page, you just click “Add Tag Category” and start adding as many as you’d like.





Jordan provided a pretty huge list of tags, but here’s my condensed list of tags that just about anyone using Infusionsoft should be utilizing.  After you’ve set up the tag categories, the next step is to actually go through and add your specific tags.  (You can do this by clicking “Tags” on the left hand panel on this same page.)

For example, if you have someone who bought product XYZ, you’d want to create a tag for “Product XYZ” in the “Ordered” tag category.

Without further ado… here’s the list:

Clicked – When anyone is clicking links in your emails, you should be tagging them with this category.  You can start building some pretty impressive psychographic data about your customers and prospects with this alone.

Ordered – This one is probably obvious, but it’s important none the less.  It’s essential to easily be able to identify which of your customers ordered which products.

Problem Client – When you’re running a business, it’s an unfortunate reality that some of your customers are just going to give you way more trouble than others.  Why not reduce your headaches by creating tags to avoid them for products that aren’t quite perfected yet?

Financial Issues – Use this for clients that have billing issues like failed credit card payments.

Refund/Return – It’s very helpful to know which customers have requested a refund for you.  Often you can re-capture them as a future buyer with the right nurture sequence lovin’.

Event Registered – Hosting a webinar, teleconference, or live event? Set up tags to know which prospects are registered so you can target your emails towards this group.

Event Attended – Take the last one a step further: figure out which people actually attended the list.  This way you can be sure to send the ones who didn’t attend another chance to see a replay, attend an encore event, etc.  You can figure this out by filtering for people WITH the “event registered” tag, and WITHOUT the “event attended” tag.

Web Form Filled Out – You definitely want to know where your leads are coming from.  This is super easy by applying tags based on which web forms lead them into your CRM database.

Pains – When you are building your infusionsoft system, you really want to build out your psychographic data just as much your demographic data.  If someone fills out a web form where you offer a free giveaway to fix a particular problem, you can capture their motivation and be sure to target them with similar solutions in the future.  When you can solve your prospects pains, you’ll have plenty of happy customers ready to buy anything you throw towards them.

Goals – Similarly to pains, what goals are your prospects and customers trying to achieve?  Create these tags and it will be easy to see which people in your database are looking for your solutions.  More targeted email = better conversion and less opt-outs = profit!

Social Media – How are your prospects finding you?  In addition to making a custom field in your CRM for their social media handles, you can also tag where they came from.

From Partner – Have some joint venture partners?  You better know which customers came from them so you can offers some special incentives and really capture them as YOUR customers now.

Time to Take Action

Start by automating these tags in your Infusionsoft campaigns and action sets, even if you do one per week . It takes time to utilize the automation power of Infusionsoft so you can maximize your business growth with targeted campaigns.

Add your questions below or leave a comment on which tags you’re implementing in your Infusionsoft account first.