How Marketing Automation will Save Your Business

IHow Marketing Automation Will Save Your Businessf you’re like most entrepreneurs you find that your time is often spent following up with customers and leads as you promote your business to pay the bills. The problem with this focus is that while you’re busy with managing ads on Google or Facebook, using social media, blogging, and talking or email with potential customers, there’s little time to think about the growth of the business.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the merry-go-round of customer support and sales because it’s the most pressing problem on the table. And you care about your clients and want to ensure they choose the right program and mix of services.

To compound the problem, if your advertising and word of mouth marketing works then you’ll have even more leads clamoring for your attention.

If you don’t solve this problem soon you’ll lose business and possibly your mind.  Continue reading