WOW Your Customers With Systematic Love

Lately I’ve been reading The E-myth Revisited.  While this is a fantastic book for all business owners and is full of knowledge, there’s one particular story that really struck me.

Wow Customers with Amazing Customer ServiceThe author tells a story of his hotel stay at a small quaint lodge located near the Pacific Coast on a particularly cold night and after a long day of travel.

As he checks into his room at the front desk, he notices that the hotel is warm, comfortable and inviting.  He unloads his bags into the room, and heads down to the connected restaurant – also a warm and inviting place.

He was quickly seated (since this particular restaurant actually respects reservations), and after a delicious dinner and a pleasant chat with his waiter, he heads back to his room.

Along the way, he notices that the lights along the path had been turned up to compensate for the darkness of night.

Upon arrival in the room, he had planned to start a fire to keep warm – but someone had already beaten him to it!  The pillows had been plumped and a mint rested on each one.

He noticed a card from the friendly receptionist welcoming him for his first night at the hotel.   Along with the card was a glass of brandy – the same as he had ordered at the restaurant.

Compassion Through Attention to Detail

The following morning he awoke to a strange sound perking in the bathroom – upon inspection, he found another card – this time wishing him a good morning and a note that the coffee brewing next to him (automatically triggered by a timer) was his favorite brand.

How in the world would they have known?   He quickly remembered that at dinner the night before they had asked what brand of coffee he preferred – yet so casually that he hadn’t thought twice about it!

Upon pouring a cup of coffee, he was greeted by a knock on the door.  As he opened, he spotted his local newspaper – The New York Times.   How did they even know he was local to NY, as this hotel was across the country?  Aha – he remembered that the receptionist had inquired about his favorite paper upon checking in.

After such a fantastic experience, the author returned to the hotel many times.  With each visit, he was greeted with exactly the same hospitality and attention to detail – without ever needing to remind them of his preferences.

How Can We Apply This To Our Business?

Customers love and expect consistency and attention to detail.  McDonalds is not one of the most successful businesses in the world due to it’s quality of food products – it’s successful because McDonalds has developed an amazing system to provide customers with nearly the exact same super-detailed speedy service anywhere in the world at any time of day.

Today, as solo-preneurs and small business owners, we have tools to create this type of system in our business to provide a consistent and enjoyable experience for our customers.

Combining the power of a CRM, automated and well-thought-out emails, customized yet automatic promotions for complementary product offers – we can develop a system that truly suits the customer and nurtures a strong relationship.

Through intelligent data collection, we can pay attention to what our customers REALLY want – and hand it to them on a silver platter without even officially asking.  This kind of interaction shows them that we care about them and their needs – which is what everyone truly wants deep down.

Look at the success of a company like Zappos, who built their brand by focusing on 100% Wow-ing the customer.  It works!

What customer service tweaks have you tried in your business, and what results have you noticed?  Leave your comments below.

Put Your Social Media on Auto Pilot

I’ve recently been playing around with a few options for automating my social media posting. There’s a few commonly known solutions – like Hootsuite – that work very well.

But being the automation nerd that I am, I wanted to find a solution that would automatically syndicate all of my WordPress blog posts to all of my social media channels in a way that’s appropriate to optimize each channel (for example twitter locks you at 140 characters, while facebook allows you to have a thumbnail image and longer text).

My New Favorite App – IFTTT (If This Then That)

My favorite aspect of Infusionsoft is that I can set up automation triggers.  If I want to trigger a certain outcome based on an event, all I have to do is set up the appropriate actions and rules.  For example,  if I want to have a followup email sequence automatically send to a customer after a specific product is purchased, all I need to do is set up an action set to make this happen.

But what about social media?  I want to be able to publish a new post to my site and have it automatically syndicate across all of my social media channels – Facebook, twitter, google+, linkedin, etc.

I’ve found a few solutions that attempt to accomplish this, but I wasn’t pleased with them because each of them had a substantial delay between the kickoff action (publishing a post) and the resulting effect (publishing to social media).  I wanted this to happen immediately!

Then I stumbled upon IFTTT.  With this amazing (free!) app, you can create “recipes” that work very similar to actions in Infusionsoft.  For example, take a look at my recipes for syndicating my materials across social media as soon as I publish a post:

Social Media on Autopilot with IFTTT

 As soon as I finalize and publish this post, it will automatically post a snippet to my Facebook fan page, Twitter, and Linkedin.  But what about Google+?  Although it isn’t natively supported yet, I have a hack for you:  Set up a new recipe to watch for a facebook fan page post to go live, then once it does, have that post to Google+ through Hootsuite!

The greatest part is that you can customize how each snippet will look.  For example, with Twitter I only have room for the very basics (title of the post + a shortened link), but for Facebook it will automatically post the title, description, and try to pull a featured image.

Need help getting these set up?  I’ve shared a few of my “recipes” here.  Click each of them to create your own off of my models.

WordPress Post publish to Facebook Fan Page

WordPress Post publish to Twitter

Imagine how much time this saves if you are posting to all of these multiple times per week!  Talk about saving time through automation.

Taking Automation Further

Do you pay any virtual employees or business expenses through Paypal?  If so I have a cool recipe for you:

IFTTT Paypal receipts to Evernote

Any time I make a payment through Paypal, this recipe will automatically save a copy of the receipt to Evernote.  The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination.

How much time would this save in your business?  Post you answer in the comments below.

Can You Tell What Your Visitors Are Thinking?

DemographicOne of the most commonly under-used parts of Infusionsoft (or marketing automation in general) is collecting psychographic data and acting upon it.  It’s hard because it forces us to use our heads.

It’s much easier to collect demographic data (location, age, etc.) but that’s not nearly as helpful when it comes to developing a solution to a deep seated goal or pain.

For example, let’s pretend that we are creating a few campaigns to market new products for a health and fitness website.  If visitors opt-in on a page related to losing weight, we can assume that losing weight is likely a goal of theirs, and we can capture that information by tagging anyone who opts-in on that web page as [Goals -> Lose Weight] in Infusionsoft.

Now that we understand a primary goal of the visitor, we can add them to a sequence that specifically offers advice on the best ways to lose weight. Doing so, we’ll also be able to reduce the chance of losing their attention by sending information that he or she is NOT interested in.

Sending ultra-targeted information will reduce unsubscribe rates and improve conversions!

Now let’s look at another example.  An older gentleman visits our theoretical site, fills in his info to download a free report on nutrition to slow down the effects of aging on our body.  We notice (by paying attention to Infusionsoft analytics) that he has viewed nearly every page related to nutrition for wellness, but hasn’t clicked a single link related to losing weight.

For this guy, it makes way more sense for us to send him a tailored campaign surrounding the content that he’s shown interest in.  By sending him relevant information, he’s more likely to stick around and hopefully become a customer!

Can you think of any good examples of psychographic data to be collecting for your CRM?  Share them below in the comments!