How to Track Conversion Rates with Infusionsoft

One of the biggest strengths of software like Infusionsoft is finding out how well you’re doing with your marketing. As a new user there are several points you should be looking at to find the baseline results. As your business grows you can target areas that need improvement and consistently test and adjust.

Sample Lead Nurture Sequence

 Here are a few of the key areas you should track when you get started with Infusionsoft:

You may have multiple opt-ins or forms on different pages and each should be tracked. How many people opt-in for your offer from Facebook vs Twitter? Do people sign up after watching a video or in a light box?

Knowing how you best capture the attention of your audience is great and can inform you on how best to design and style future offers. You should also be measuring which offers get the most conversions, not only by numbers but percentages. An offer that converts 50% of unique viewers is more compelling than one with twice as many opt-ins converting at 5%. Focus on driving traffic to the opt-in offer that has better conversions and your advertising investments will likely pay off.

Advertising Return on Investment (ROI)

Advertising without tracking your numbers is a little like gambling with your eyes closed. You might hit it big or bust but you will likely have no idea why. By tracking which ads are converting to leads you’ll know which graphics, offers, calls to action or designs are best for your business. Especially in pay-per-click advertising you want to know that your ad is drawing the attention of the right people and then they’re taking the action you want so you can capture those leads.

Once you have the leads then you have to nurture and sell to them.  Taking this a step further, we can use the tracking abilities in Infusionsoft to measure your cost per lead, cost per prospect, and ultimately cost per customer.  This is where things get fun.  If we can find a sweet spot where the Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) of a particular lead source is higher than the cost of acquiring that customer (Cost per Customer), we’ve just found the BEST places to spend our advertising dollars to maximize our ROI.

Email Click Rates

It’s absolutely worthless to have a list of 10,000 people if you don’t know how many of those people are actively reading your emails and messages. When you start out in Infusionsoft, begin tracking the open rate of your campaigns and newsletters and test regularly to improve the open rate with better subject lines, high quality content and regular updates (without spamming your list!).

If your emails include a call to action (which they should) then you should also be tracking who is clicking and what percent of readers click on your video, sales page, register for a webinar or request more information. This not only measures the engagement level of your list but can help you determine if your offers are appealing to the list.

Finding your numbers is not about manipulating data – it’s a powerful tool to better serve your clients and followers with content that’s valuable and compelling.


Without sales all the work up to this point is worthless. An important factor to making the sale is knowing what works and what doesn’t. So just like every other point in this process you need to test to see what works. Should you provide a discount code? Add a bonus? Send a letter in the mail? Call them and ask for the sale?

What works will depend on your business, your offers and the clients. When you get started in Infusionsoft make sure to utilize the lead tracking system to measure who the best leads are and the opportunities section to track where your prospects are in the sales pipeline.

Your goal should be to increase percentages at each point in this funnel and massively increase your traffic and pool of qualified leads.

Infusionsoft is a great tool to measure and track these metrics but it does require some set up out of the box. If you don’t have these tracking points set up or need support finding out how you can identify and tweak your campaigns to convert better contact us to learn how we can help.


Using Infusionsoft to Earn Trust

In online business it’s hard to earn the critical “know, like & trust factor” when you’re asking people who you’ve never met to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to work with you. Using Infusionsoft you can automate this process of trust building and – best of all – this can happen immediately after you get started with Infusionsoft.

Using Nurture Sequences to Build Trust

How To Nurture Prospects with a Drip CampaignOne of the first things your Infusionsoft Certified Consultant (ICC) should teach you in the software is how to set up a campaign, and one of the best types of campaigns to start with is called a “nurture” sequence.

Nurture sequences acknowledge that not every lead is immediately ready to buy your products and services and may need more information or time before making a buying decision. These sequences are less intense than sales campaigns which often drive toward a goal date such as “buy by Friday for 50% off” or “group program closes on the 30th!”

Instead, nurture sequences are designed to drip out content over time and answer objections, educate leads on the process and share success stories. These sequences aren’t just for new clients – you can create them for clients ready for your second or third programs.

Design a Nurture Sequence

It’s all about delivering the right message, to the right person, at the right time. To do this you can use the power of Infusionsoft to segment and categorize your list into smaller groups. After all, you don’t want a long nurture sequence to sell a program that your lead has already purchased.

By using Infusionsoft’s powerful tagging feature you can separate your leads and clients by purchases, clicks, even psychographic and demographic information. Imagine being able to email just those leads in North America who have visited your sales page and have purchased from you in the past, but have not signed up for your May workshop.

With Infusionsoft this kind of nurture campaign is not only possible, it’s easy!

Nurture sequences eliminate the need for large sales teams keeping notes on every client call and interaction – Infusionsoft can track all of this information with incredible accuracy. The result to the client or lead is the that they get personalized messages that address their objections and concerns and you’re able to show that you understand their worries, which positions you as trustworthy.

Given the right timing of messages and copy, nurture sequences can dramatically improve your sales closing rate. Infusionsoft understands that many small businesses like yours may not have the brand recognition and marketing budget of Coca-Cola or Nike, so you need to build up the faith in your business with a consistent message.

While Infusionsoft gives you the tools to get started, you’ll need to design and implement your own nurture sequences. The easiest way to get started with nurture sequences that build trust is to ask yourself, “what if the leads don’t buy this program?”

Write down what you’d want to communicate and how often you should be reaching out with this content. While some programs are evergreen, also consider programs that launch annually or quarterly. By building up the program to your leads and then giving them another chance to work with you, Infusionsoft can help you stay in touch with warm leads and increase your conversions with minimal effort.

If you’re just getting started with Infusionsoft be sure to talk to your ICC about these campaigns or contact us to discuss which nurture campaigns you need for your business to increase sales and serve your clients.

Image Credit: sfxeric